
If you’re a farmer or gardener, you know how important it is to protect your crops from pests that can damage your plants or reduce your yields. Mites are one of the most common pests of crops around the world. Mites are tiny arthropods that feed on plant sap and can cause significant damage to crops.

Fortunately, there are effective solutions to control these pests, and fenzamid is one of them. Prodilcofen is an insecticide that has been shown to be effective against adult mites and nymphs, but less so against their eggs. It is designed to target pests and is stomach and contact toxic. Prodilcofen also has no systemic or osmotic transmission, meaning it is not absorbed by plant tissues.


One of the best things about prodilcofen is that it can be used in different crops such as cotton, vegetables, apples, citrus, tea, and flowers to name a few. This means it can be a versatile tool for farmers and gardeners who grow multiple crops.

To use prodilcofen effectively, the correct protocol must be followed. To control cotton pest spider mites, use 40-80 ml of 73% EC per mu and spray 75-100 kg of water. Citrus spider mites, citrus leaf rust ticks, apple spider mites, and hawthorn spider mites are sprayed with 2000-3000 times of 73% EC. Finally, to prevent and control tea pests, follow the manufacturer’s directions to ensure your plants thrive.


Although prodilcofen is effective against adult mites and nymphs, it is important to note that it may not be effective against their eggs. This means you need to use it consistently and in combination with other insecticides to effectively control these pests.

In conclusion, Prodiclofen is an effective solution to help control harmful mites on crops. It is versatile and suitable for a wide range of applications, making it a great tool for farmers and gardeners. Following the manufacturer’s directions, you can use propicofen to keep mites away from your crop and protect your yield.

Post time: May-16-2023
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